In this essay I will discuss the similarities and differences of two holiday adverts; one for Blackpool and the other for Ibiza. Firstly I will discuss the layout of the adverts. The Blackpool ad has a central picture of recognisable attractions such as the Blackpool tower and ferris wheel by the harbour which shimmers with light which brightens up the advert, similarly the Ibiza advert has a central eye catching picture of three young people dancing laughing and a sexy young female posing on her own on the beach whilst the sun is setting. The Blackpool ad has the writing on the left hand side which states the main important facts and a postcard in the middle of the picture and information listed where as Ibiza has their images on the left, small white font which isn’t clear and few aspects written around the ad. This give a different feed back to the audience that their images are their main appearance where as Blackpool is detailing both information and few images. Their adverts are different because Ibiza focuses their holiday for a younger generation to seek out selling that holiday or product for that specific type of audience, where as Blackpool specialise for an older generation to sell their product.
Secondly the font. The Blackpool advert is plain and simple, making it visible and easier to understand. It is printed in a white and dark blue background which makes it stand out, where as the Ibiza ad font is bold neon colours such as white, red, yellow and pink in the slogan, and their contact information. It uplifts and levier the younger audiences attention where as Blackpool draws older calmer people to come relax. There are lots of different font styles in the Ibiza advert, the word Ibiza is written in a 3D effect making it look glamorous and exciting where as the Black pool is capitalized on the first letter written in a plain but simple