February 27, 2012
Comparing and contrasting PCs and mainframes Mainframes and personal computers have gone through an evolution, which computing power contains several times more than the past years. Personal computers (PC) are used by individuals one at a time, which are design to be use at home and office. PC is a small powerful system, with advanced graphical user interfaces, which support many output devices. Mainframes are costly computer, with many dumb terminals connected to it that has no processing capability. Usually, big companies use main frames because the computing power, which connect thousands of users and making transactions every second maintaining the speed. To compare and contrast PCS and mainframes, which both stand equally powerful in time, leaving a footprint in our history books, can prove challenging.
Operating systems The operating systems of mainframes and PCs are different between the both systems. The mainframe’s operating systems provides a multiuser support, which makes the operating system complex. The operating systems of mainframes and PCs are an important component for both systems. The mainframe’s operating systems is defined by its operating systems, which are IBM 's OS/390, Multiple Virtual Systems (MVS), Virtual Machine (VM), and Virtual Storage Extended (VSE). The Multiple Virtual Systems is use in large businesses because of the capability to run multiuser processing, that is needed in a fast pace business. Mainframes important features that is needed in their operating systems is the need have a reliable single-thread performance, maximum I/O connectivity, maximum I/O bandwidth, and full reliability. To have a reliable single tread is important for operations that go against a database. Maximum I/O connectivity is also important for mainframes excelling at providing for huge disk farms. Many connections have few choke-points, which are the connections
References: Heffernan, B., & Poulsen, T. (2010). Introduction to Personal Computers (7th ed.). United States, NY: Axzo Press. MainFrames.Com. (2012). What is a "Mainframe"? Retrieved from http://mainframes.com/whatis.htm Oman, P. (1990, 6 June). Mainframe Vs PCs - Is there a debate? Petroleum Geologist, President, 1. Retrieved from http://http://www.cseg.ca/publications/recorder/1990/06jun/jun90-mainframes-vs-pc.pdf Tyson, J., & Crawford, S. (2012). How PCs Work. Retrieved from http://computer.howstuffworks.com/pc4.htm redOrbit. (2010. September 9). Mainframe Computers. Retrieved from http://http://www.redorbit.com/education/reference_library/technology_1/computers/2583400/mainframe_computers/