Initially, we review Daoism and Confucianism differences in that Daoism focused on the existential nature of unseen forces that surround us by developing mindfulness within individuals. Whereas, Confucianism centered around the automatic assumption of goodness within individuals, and continued education would support people's good intentions. According to Sayre, Daoism " deeply embedded in nature and to attain it, the individual must practice the art of "not-doing."" Kevin Newton of explains that Daoism also known as Taoism concentrated on …show more content…
understanding the enormity of the world and harmony with our environment. In essence, Daoism concentrated on attaining symmetry with nature to secure positive relationships. ( Confucianism ideology held high standards for people. According to Sayre, "...self-control, propriety, reverence for once elders and virtuous behavior" values Confucious attributed from the Zhou Dynasty. Confucianism directed interactions between individuals and stressed education. (
Therefore, the significance of Daoism and Confucianism is the inference into an implied harmony between the two philosophies.
Many Chinese would apply Confucian principles to their work lives where they have a variety of relationships with co-workers and the Taoist philosophy of finding balance with nature while at home. …show more content…
The Analects of Confucius is a compilation of books describing Confucius's philosophy. Jen, Li, and Te are practices of acceptable ethical behavior in Confucianism. According to Jade Mazarin an instructor on and a freelance writer on emotional health and spirituality state that "Confucianism is based solely on kindness, mutual respect and appreciation for character virtues." ( The Confucius Analects covered in Reading 7.3 The Humanities Culture, Continuity & Change page 242 demonstrate the principles of Jen, Li, and Te. Jen, can be interpreted as goodness or humaneness, Li deals with an outward social behavior, and Te defined the moral power or the perfection of one's virtues ( The philosophical teachings of Confucianism were designed to bring peace and stability within society most likely to address the instability of Confucious environment during his time.
We covered Dao & Confucianism in the first half of this essay.
Next I discuss Buddhism, Hinduism. Hinduism originating about 4,500 years ago in India and is the oldest practiced world religion. Two essential beliefs in Hinduism is Dharma and Karma. Dharma is a practice of values and ethical responsibilities that call for followers of Hindu to keep an open-mind, be courteous, and exist peacefully. Karma is a method of reward and punishment for one's actions and intentions. ( Buddhism follows the teachings of The Buddha, followers observe persons daily activity as having spiritual importance and believe in
For centuries, Eastern religions and philosophies of Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism & Daoism have been practiced by millions. Similarities in all practices encourage virtuous conduct, compassion and respect for nature. In contrast Hinduism followers typically believe in one or more gods, while still some are atheist, Buddhism and Confucianism advocates focus on the philosophies of a man. Meanwhile, Daoism concentrates around a theory.
In summary, Daoism focused on the existential nature of unseen forces that surround us by developing mindfulness within individuals. Confucianism centers around the automatic assumption of goodness within people, and continued education support people's good intentions. Hinduism associated with Dharma and Karma. Dharma practice values and ethical responsibilities that call for followers of Hindu to keep an open-mind, be courteous, and exist peacefully. Karma is a method of reward and punishment for one's actions and intentions.
Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism & Daoism all practices encourage virtuous conduct, compassion and respect for nature. However, Buddhism and Confucianism advocates the teaching on a man while Daoism focuses on a theory and Hinduism followers believe in no god or one or more gods.