In the short story “the most dangerous game” Rainsford was justified in killing general Zaroff.…
Rainsford is uncompassionate, this is seen when he’s talking to Whitney. “‘Don’t talk rot, Whitney.’ Said Rainsford. ‘You’re a big game hunter not a philosopher. Who cares how a jaguar feels’ ”.This shows how he’s uncompassionate because he takes no account for how the animals feel. It’s all about the sport. He is also a very proud person. This is seen when he boasts about his sport, hunting, and how it’s the best sport in the word. Rainsford is also courageous. This is seen when he is not deterred by the superstition that surrounds Ship Trap Island. He could also be perceived as strong when he swims to the shore after he is thrown off the boat. This is…
“A certain coolheadedness had come to him…” (p.33). Although he had just fallen off the ship, “it was not the first time he had been in a tight place” (p.33). He knew he had to swim towards the gun shots to immediately get help and not panic about the situation. Throughout his battle with Zaroff he constantly said, “‘I must keep my nerve’” (p.173), trying to calm himself and not give up. If he had not calmed himself, he would've made an irrational move that could've led to his death. “Get ready, General Zaroff” (p. 204), Rainsford said before killing Zaroff. He was getting revenge for everything Zaroff had done and was not panicked about having to duel General Zaroff. As a result of Rainsford’s coolheadedness, he was able to conquer the obstacles he had to face.…
As he is he has to survive forcefully, by a hunter, General Zaroff, who hunts people, for more of a thrill in hunting. Rainsford has to go up head to head with him, and has to beat him in his own game and he is determined to do so, because he doesn’t give up easily and he knows how to survive. Another…
Rainsford begins to plot down what he will do to win the game, since General Zaroff has not lost any of them before, “The softness of the earth had gave him an idea” (45). In addition, General Zaroff has never lost to anybody, Rainsford gets ideas and plans to kill General Zaroff with different methods. Obviously, everyone in life has thoughts of giving up in a race or battle, “I will not lose my nerve. I will not” (43). Rainford, at this point, can not give up and will do about anything to win and defeat him. Consequently, Rainsfords motivation is to attempt to kill…
Have you ever played a game of hide and seek, and your nervous that he/she is gonna find you. Well that's Rainsford except when he gets caught he is gonna get killed. But rainsford has certain traits such as a determined mind set and a sharp mind to add to that and also thoughtful feelings.…
Rainsford is a very tough person both mentally and physically. Rainsford shows his physical toughness by swimming to Ship-Trap Island. The reason why Rainsford even met Zaroff is because he fell off a yacht when he dropped his cigar and stumbled off of the boat. He was nervous so he just decided to swim until he got to land and then he remembered “A certain cool-headedness had come to him: it was not the first time he had been in a tight place.”(15). Rainsford got all the way to Ship-Trap Island and he found Zaroff’s house and that is how they met. Rainsford also shows toughness by not giving up on going through the forest, “Rainsford had fought his way through the bush for two hours: “I must keep my nerve”, he said through tight teeth.” (26). This situation would take a lot of mental toughness because anyone could just have a nervous breakdown because they could die and it takes physical toughness because you could get cut up from walking through the forest for two hours. After Rainfords gets to the cliff he swims to Zaroff’s house which is very clever and brave. Rainsford also fights Zaroff because he hates what Zaroff has done. He kills Zaroff in the fight and this definitely proves that Rainsford is a tough man. Raonsford’s mental and physical toughness save him from Zaroff, who he has a conflict with because Zaroff is a…
Civilized in the story have different character, every character have different idea in the story. I think the word civilized mean something represent the character, how they act and, talk. Evidence from the story show that Zaroff considers himself civilized, Rainford considers Zaroff civilized, and Rainford considers himself civilized.…
They both have the feeling of darkness, being alone, and being in survival mode. In High Noon, Kane must risk his life to take down Frank Miller, while having no other companions to help him. In The Most Dangerous Game, Rainsford is forced to fight to survive General Zaroff from hunting him down, while being abandoned on an island. "Will, I think you ought to go while there's still time. It's better for you-and better for us" (Foreman 315). Kane is all alone, with no one to help him. "Rainsford held his breath. The general's eyes had left the ground and were traveling inch by inch up the tree. Rainsford froze there, every muscle tensed for a spring" (Connell 12). Rainsford must stay calm and not make any movement so he is not noticeable. These stories both show being alone, darkness, and fighting to…
Fear is a primal human emotion. It drives us to do things, or not do things, and generally keeps us safe. In Richard Connell’s “The Most Dangerous Game” Rainsford is neither a very relatable nor believable character. He remains confident after he gets tricked multiple times, he is too analytical of the situations he finds himself in, he doesn’t and he doesn’t seem to have very much fear about being hunted by the madman Zaroff like wild game. He also does not seem to be too skeptical of a well cultured, master sportsman, living on an unmarked island who wants to invite him into his home to stay.…
2. Do you agree with Callahan that the power of the physician much be used "only to cure or comfort, never to kill"?…
Death is all around us. Death happens to everyone no matter if he wants it or not. Every…
One way in which Sherriff presents death is an escape. This is interesting, as it links immediately to just how deep the suffering of the soldiers on the front line must have been. They were simply waiting for death, waiting for death to go over the top. The characters cope in different ways: Hardy through comedy, Stanhope through drinking, Raleigh through his ignorance, but they all seem to have at least a subconscious awareness of the almost inevitable nature of the situation they are in: that they are going to die. The references to quiet in the previous act highlight the waiting; the direct reference Stanhope makes to death being an escape gives an insight into just how much of an impact the waiting is having on him. He says to Hibbert…
Heathcliff has just died, and Hareton is the only one who mourns over him. Hareton is referred to “the most wronged” because Heathcliff treated him terribly by working him hard and taking advantage of him. Ironically, Hareton is the only one who suffers from his death when he was treated worse than everyone. Hareton loved Heathcliff because that is all he knew. Heathcliff was the only parent figure Hareton had because Hindley passed away a drunkard at a young age. It is natural for a child to love their parent no matter how harsh of treatment they receive. Hareton has “a generous heart” because he loves a cruel man, which he has every reason not to. By “everyone else shrank[ing] from complementing” Heathcliff, it shows how much Heathcliff was…
“Whichever one death fells must deem it a just judgement by God.” (Beowulf Lines 440-441) In Harry Potter it is shown by the death of his parents and Harry’s ultimate destiny to die, the shadow of death is always following Harry. “Nameless forebodings crept upon him as he sat there in the dark: He tried to resist them, push them away, yet they came at him relentlessly. Neither can live while the other survives.” (J.K. Rowling) In both books the main characters both come face to face with their deaths and never once do they doubt it because they know that what they’re doing is ultimately good and they are protecting those who they…