
Comparing Langston Hughes And Dr. Seuss

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Comparing Langston Hughes And Dr. Seuss
Being able to accept flexible views of text means to be able to understand that text can take on multiple meanings and that there is not a singular way to analyze the text. A mechanistic view of text would be to analyze every text or passage you come across in generally the same way, without thinking outside of the box. A person could analyze a research paper about quantum mechanics the same way they would analyze a Dr. Seuss book. A reader must develop a flexible view on text in order to fully comprehend what the text might be saying or at least to be able to acknowledge that there is more than on interpretation. To accept a flexible view of text, one must be able to see the differences and similarities between separate texts. They must also …show more content…
The reader should be able to point out what makes two texts different from one another, whether it be style, structure, wording, or even organization. They should then be able to discuss these differences further explaining how they are different. Such as “Langston Hughes tends to have a theme of hope within his works, while Dr. Seuss tends to rhyme and have colorful children’s books. At the same time, they should also be able to compare and find similarities in different texts. Such as “Langston Hughes used to write poems which would occasionally have a rhyme scheme, while Dr. Seuss wrote children’s books which rhymed most of the time.” Finding differences and similarities is only part of the work however, the reader must also be able to see multiple ways to interpret a text or be open to the idea that somebody else’s interpretation is just as right as …show more content…
While reading something for the first time, you may think that you have the theme and characters down pat and understand everything, but you’re wrong. Your next door neighbor could have read the same book or same paper and had an entirely different understanding of the theme or characters or anything else really. One should re-read the text and consider other interpretations and meanings of the text. They should take into consideration how their neighbor, partner, classmate, or coworker interprets the text and be able to discuss the text to come to some sort of conclusion or merge the two ideas. When first reading To Kill a Mocking Bird, you get the idea that Atticus Finch is a really good guy and likes to help people, even blacks in the time it is set in. But if you re-read the book, you may see that Atticus was actually forced into taking the job he did and was really a racist. You find that out in Go Set a Watchmen, the prequel, that Atticus had actually been a clansmen. So your initial idea may not be the best idea, re-reading the text and trying to develop a better understanding of the text is a key part of being able to accept a flexible view of

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