She plays with her peers, especially Jocelyn very well. She loves the dramatic play area and cleans up her toys after she is done. Sometimes she struggles with sharing and can sometimes be a follower, instead a leader. She also loves to be read to, which helps her language. She meets all checkpoints in receptive and expressive language from what I have observed. She speaks well and carries out conversations, which will be helpful when she gets older. She uses words correctly and understands questions when you ask her. This is definitely an area KayLee excels in. Cognition is another category these girls relate …show more content…
Maribel recognizes most of the things needed for kindergarten, like shapes, colors, and numbers but it takes her while to say them because she is shy. Most of the time when I ask her something, you have to say, “you know it” and then she will tell you. Something else I noticed is she does not recognize her name when she signs in. She knows it on her cubby and seat but not her sign in tag, which is odd. After testing her over the cognition, I think she is ready for Kindergarten academically, just not socially.
KayLee also does very well in the cognition skills. She does well when we count and go over our letters in large group. She cooperates in morning routine and is one that says the letters and numbers. You can tell she practices this stuff, which is good for her age. She is a smart girl. She can also compare objects and understands description words. Lastly both girls are very independent. Maribel and KayLee both help themselves and have become independent, which is good. Maribel helps herself in the bathroom, serves herself, and does a good job of washing her hands. She also knows to wear warm clothing when necessary and dresses herself. These are all good skills to have and ones she will use. Maribel sometimes likes to be accompanied by an adult when she does these things though. She waits for instructions, but she can do it on her