Hard work pays off eventually. In the short story Upon the water the main character Cephas has hard ship. So he goes to the welfare center to get some food, because he couldn’t afford to himself. He planned on giving back everything they gave him. Cephas uses the money to get back on his feet. One day he goes back to the welfare places and donated a whole lot of milk, chicken, and eggs. The workers at the welfare place they tell him they don’t have
Hard work pays off eventually. In the short story Upon the water the main character Cephas has hard ship. So he goes to the welfare center to get some food, because he couldn’t afford to himself. He planned on giving back everything they gave him. Cephas uses the money to get back on his feet. One day he goes back to the welfare places and donated a whole lot of milk, chicken, and eggs. The workers at the welfare place they tell him they don’t have