There are individuals that have been in prison for years that need help to live in this never stopping changing society. “Ride Home Program” is a program in California that hires people to pick “up ex-prisoners on the day they are released to help guide them through the changed world.” This program gives prisoners knowledge of the world that may be new to them and helps them by giving them advice on how to get a job and even get haircuts. This program helps ex-cons have abright start to a new beginning and give them motivation to change their lives around. Resources in America are unlimited there is help to keep moving on with life and find employment. Programs like this is what helps mold an individual to search online or newspapers for jobs.
Alonso Page 2Additional, employment training centers is a main focus in chapter ten” Work Works” chapter of “The Working Poor”. In many of the scenarios used in this chapter a lot of the individuals went to an employment training center and were successful at finding a job and elevating in the economic ladder. Leary, for example, an …show more content…
“They were not responsible enough to not get themselves in prison or become homeless” people might say, but that is why America has these programs. Studies show that “People who have been incarcerated greatly value their jobs when they get hired”. They work better proving themselves worthy of the job they are hired in. Giving people chances and hiring them benefits them and the employer.Businesses that hire ex-cons can “qualify for the Work Opportunity Tax Credit”. Consequently, America gives opportunities no matter what ex-convicts and ex-addicts didin the past. There are resources given to Americans every day to succeed in the working industry.No matter what rough patch an individual has had to go through they deserve a chance to try again. The process for a job may be long and stressful. Working on oneself to be prepared to get up and try to get a job, but these sources are here to help through it all. It benefits all America to help who ever needs the extra kick. These resources should be used while they are being provided to