The Story of an hour is about a lady with heart troubles finding out her husband is dead. She doesn’t react the same way any wife would, she goes up to her room and sits up there looking out the window at all that is below. She sits up there and thinks about how she is now free. Free from having someone tell her what to day and night, about how she can now go and do all the things she wanted, about how it would be a long and happy life. She then starts to walk downstairs to her sister, who is the one who told Louise of the news. Then as she is walking down stairs her front door starts to be unlocked. She then sees her husband walk in. she screams then falls down dead. She died from a heart failure. The joy that kills. The Interlopers is about two families feuding. They have been feuding for generations. This generation has made it personal though. They have been fighting over a piece of land that was given to the Gradwitz’s. The Znaeym’s …show more content…
The Story Of An Hour was about the death of a woman's husband. The Interlopers was about two men becoming friends after generations of their families being enemies. Both of the men wanted to kill each other. Louise wanted to be free of her husband's grips and be able to do what she wants. Louise feels she is free when she is told by her sister that her husband, Brently, is dead. Louise went to her room in her house to think it over and to get over the death of Brently. The men were trapped under a birch tree and the offer of wine had to be made for them to think about being friends. The thought of everyone staring at the men because they were talking in a friendly manner was very pleasing to