"Ah!" states he, falling again to smiling, "I found my wastefulness from the same man I found the buttons from; and that was my poor father, Duncan Stewart, grace be to him! He was the prettiest man of his kindred; and the best swordsman in the Hielands, David, and that is the same as to say, in all the world, I should Ken, for it was him that taught me. He was in the Black Watch, when first it was mustered; and, other gentlemen privates, had a gillie at his back to carry his firelock for him on the march. Well, the King, it appears, was wishful to see Hieland swordsmanship; and my father and three more were chosen out and sent to London town, to let him see it at the best. This quote means that Alan doesn't come from a long line of Jacobites! Alan is a brave man, and Alan is the one that saved Davie from getting kidnapped. The fact that he believes the King of England was not the rightful king at the time, Alan still takes pride in the fact that his father performed feats of fencing in front of him. Alan wants to be alike his father, and wants his father to be the king again. The purpose this essay is to represent the difference and similarities between the book and movie, Kidnapped. Further on you …show more content…
The movie gave me a visual of the character’s journey’s and emotions. Furthermore, it grabbed my attention more. The movie adds in more characters than the book did. For instance, a lady named Maddie, started to help Davie find his way back home. However, in a plot twist, Maddie went to steal money from Davie, however, she wound up with a bag of rocks. Davie must had known that Maddie was not really going to help him and was just a thief. The movie was far more entertaining and clearly holds dominance over the novel. In this essay I showed you the differences and similarities between the book and movie, Kidnapped, and how this impacted my interest in the