
Comparing The Successes And Failures Of The Treaty Of Torillas

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Comparing The Successes And Failures Of The Treaty Of Torillas
6. Q. What were the successes and failures of the Treaty of Tordesillas?
A. In the Treaty of Tordesillas, they were many successes and failures. One of the successes that the Treaty of Tordesillas did was to divide the world. The west part of the world belonged to Spain and on the other side of the line, it was Portugal which was where Brazil was located. Brazil was never seen by the Europeans.

7. Q. How did the encomienda system exploit Indian laborers?
A. The encomienda system exploits Indian laborers. They exploited the Indian laborers by rewarding the monarch for taking control over the Indian villages. The people that lived in labor tribute had settlements to give up their legal protection and religious guidance. Giving up their legal

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