That is one of the characteristics the two have in common. They both yearn for salmon fishing. As you can see in the video, the two often talk about salmon and about Dr. Jones lure. The two enjoy fishing and discuss way to bring salmon to Yemen. They’re dream is to bring fish to the Yemen people. It was hard, but as seen in the video they were able to make that possible. They had to order ten thousand salmon fish. It had seem impossible knowing that all of the salmon were farm grown fish. They did not know if the salmon would go up stream because they weren’t from its natural habitat. The two had faith in the salmon and went forward with the farm grown fish. When the salmon was released from their holding tanks, the salmon had slowly started to head up stream. One by one the salmon had jumped up stream, and that is when you could see Dr. Jones and The Sheikh’s faith grow.
Although they have the same view and passion, they both have different characteristics. Sheikh