The idea of museum as an educational tool in the service of societal development called new museology. In order to prepare and accompany society’s transformation, museum should be one of the most crucial tools in the hand of society. Three museums are analyzed in detail to see whether they obey the new museology idea or not and to make a comparison to see which one overweight to the others.
Improving access to knowledge and information is one of the most important factors in new museology. Educational events in Pera Museum go parallel with temporary exhibition programs for improving access to knowledge for wide-range of age groups. Education program is carried out for primary school students in TIA Museum and regrettably these education programs are unsatisfactory to some extent. However, learning department in V&A
Museum undertakes visitors research, develops interpretation from labels and computer archives. In such a case, society’s participation is provided. Research department facilitates and develops research into V&A collections and connects V&A to the wider world of research in Art and Design. Beside these, Royal College of Art has worked with V&A museum for over 25 years to offer postgraduate courses. The arguments given above prove that with its accessibility V&A has become a center of education, long-life learning.
Activities, events, and temporary exhibitions are crucial for reaching larger audience. Pera
Museum arranges events and yearly four to seven temporary national and international exceptional exhibitions to attract visitors. Pera also arranges conferences, concerts, documentary days, and play reading days to reach more people. Unfortunately, TIA museum is not active as much as Pera museum. Except the permanent exhibitions, TIA Museum conducts one or two temporary exhibitions every year. V&A Museum approaches professionally to