The name was changed over to Pagan by the European Christians, Pagan meaning “non-follower or non-believer”. Hellenism primarily focuses on the worship of the Greek Mythology Gods. Asclepius was the God of medicine, healing, rejuvenation and physicians. According to Nick Pontikis, creator and writer of, says there are two resurrection stories referring to Asclepius rising men from the dead.
Asclepius was said to have resurrected a man named Hippolytus, or even the aforementioned Glaucus, from the dead for a fee of gold. This angered the king of the Olympians, Zeus, who had expressly forbidden this act. He feared that men might conspire to bypass death altogether. Zeus struck down Asclepius with a thunderbolt, killing him instantly. Another version of his death holds that Hades became angry at Asclepius because he kept bringing back people from the dead. The lord of the Underworld believed that no more dead spirits would venture to his realm, and thus asked his brother Zeus to dispose of him.
Of course, there are other Gods, Goddesses and deities that have died, resurrected and some who have resurrected others, including