was a man who pushed through the boundaries of discrimination and racism, making our country better each day he lived(2). Reverend King was born January 15, 1929. His father, Luther King Sr., being a pastor, and his mother, Alberta Williams King, being a school teacher. King was born the second child, usually call M.L. by his father as a nickname. As he grew, he never envisioned himself as a minister like his father. Martin Luther King Jr. changed the way he thought about this when he heard of Dr. Benjamin Mays’s ministering. Dr. Mays was an advocate for equality and theologian. In King’s journey, he met a woman named Coretta Scott. She was a singer. In 1953, they were married , and went to live in Montgomery, Alabama. Dr. King’s early life set him up for great success in leading the civil rights time …show more content…
King and Lincoln had education. Not only did Abraham Lincoln teach himself how to be a lawyer, but a legislature also(6). Dr. King had gone to college to get a doctorate in systematic theology. These men had wanted all equality for African-Americans(2). Martin Luther King started a Poor People’s Campaign(1). For all of his work and speeches, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize(2). President Lincoln led the Union through the civil war(5). Unfortunately, both King and Lincoln had been shot in April, only one hundred three years apart(1)(4). On May 30, 1922, Abraham had a memorial dedicated to him(6). King had a holiday dedicated towards his achievements in 1983(1). Martin Luther King Jr. and Lincoln’s life impacted so many people that holidays and memorials were created in honor of those great men in American history.