English assessment-Poem Comparison
In this essay I will be comparing the two poems: ‘who’s for the game?’ by Jessie Pope and ‘dulce et decorum est.’ by Wilfred Owen. These to poems I think are quite different as Wilfred Owen’s poem is a direct response and attack on Jessie Pope and her poem. As an author of poems, Jessie Pope is pro-war, often encouraging young men to fight and using ‘white feather poems’ –poems that shame people into going- to encourage people to fight. In the first draft of Wilfred Owen’s poem, he actually used her name in the poem, saying: ‘you would not say, Ms. Pope, with such high zest,’ However, he later changed it to: ‘you would not say, my friend, with such high zest,’ in the following paragraphs, I will be showing: proof that they are different, proof that they are the same, and a conclusion showing if my first idea of the poems being different has changed.
These poems are different in my opinion, as they are a means of attack from one author to the other, Wilfred Owen is anti-war, whereas Jessie Pope is somewhat pro-war, and ergo most of their writing follows as such. Wilfred Owen wrote his poem to warn people off going to war and this, to some extent worked. Wilfred Owen, having been a soldier himself, had actually witnessed the horrors of which he speaks of in his poems, one of his poems was written in a hospital bed where he was recovering from his injuries.
The poems are different as they both talk about different things, Jessie pope speaks of the parades if you win and survive, and she speaks of how it is a big game, her poem is titled: Who’s For the Game? The first line is: ‘who’s for the game, the biggest that’s played the red crashing game of a fight?’ This shows her slack attitude towards war and its dire consequences; however, as women weren’t allowed to fight in war, they can’t really be blamed for not knowing the truths of it, and giving out false impressions. Wilfred Owen's poem, however