
Comparison Of Sir Gaiwain And The Green Knight

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Comparison Of Sir Gaiwain And The Green Knight
Sir Gaiwain and the Green Knight is supernatural medieval romance which is told by J.R.R Tolkien of the modern version. J.R.R Tolkien is one of my favorite authors including the books like The Lord of The Rings, The Hobbit, and much more. It takes place in the 14th century in Camelot and in castles and chapels. It’s a creative and exciting read because of the different rules and different themes. Sir Gaiwan the hero takes on a destiny to defeat the Green knight. But there are rules that they must follow which resembles there character. In the story games will be played to determine the actions in the end.

Sir Gaiwan has accepted the challenge against the Green Knight when he said, “Then Gaiwan leaned forward to the king and spake, “I beseech ye, my lord, let this venture be mine.” (par.12) The bold hero is determined to go on his quest and he does. Gaiwan starts off on a rough start with no clues or much help. It takes almost a year and he soon is losing faith in the quest and in himself. His strength has gotten worse over time and starts to have self doubt. But despite his rough patches he doesn’t give up and stays patient. Finally
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Whatsover I win in the wood shall be yours and whatever shall fall to your share, that shall ye exchange for it. Let us swear, friend, to make this exchange, however our hap may be for worse or for better.” (par30) This shows supernatural by making exchanges and the contract Sir Gaiwan agreed to is dragging out. Lord Bertilak tries to seduce Sir Gaiwan but no exchange in return. Gaiwan stays true to his contract until the last day he keeps something from the Lord. Lord Bertilak strikes him three times and it ends. The Green knight reveals his true identity which is Lord Bertilak himself. Gaiwan strikes back beheading the Green Knight but he doesn’t die. He travels back to Camelot succeeding his

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