Dell and Hewlett-Packard
Table of Contents
Introduction ... .4
Part One .4
1.0 Analyse the value proposition of Dell and Hewlett-Packard ...4
1.1 Mission analysis . 5
1.2 Market definition 5
1.3 Market Segmentation .6
1.4 Market Attractiveness .6
1.5 Differentiating capabilities and Strategic position .7
1.6 Marketing assets .8
1.6.1 Customer Loyalty ..8
1.6.2 Demand Management 9
1.7 Brands .9
2.0 Evaluation of Dell and HP .10
2.1. Dell 10
2.2. Hewlett Packard .11
3.0 Conclusion ..12
Part Two 12
4.0 Suitable the value proposition of consumer electronic market ..12
5.0 Strategic Pathway ..14
6.0 Customer Focus and Market Sensing .15
6.1 Market choices ...16
7.0 Value Proposition ...17
8.0 Key Relationships .17
8.1 Customers ...18
8.2 Collaborators / Partnerships ...19
8.3 Co-Workers 19
8.4 Competitors 19
9.0 Conclusion ..20
Bibliography .22
This purpose of fist part of this report is using Piercy's theory to analyse the value proposition, from different point of view on mission, competitive differentiation, marketing assets and brands. Moreover, use product concepts to evaluate the value proposition of Dell and HP. Then, contrast these two value propositions and draw a conclusion from these analyses. Then, compare the value proposition
Bibliography: Piercy, N. 2002. Market-Led Strategic Change. 3rd. Oxford, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann Johnson, G., Scholes, K Ranchhod, A. 2004. Marketing Strategies: A Twenty-first Century Approach. Harlow, Financial Times/Prentice Hall Websites