To establish positive and productive relationships with families
I encourage and support a close relationship between home and daycare. I encourage open and friendly communication with each child’s family.
Functional Area 11: Families
I do this by
●Speaking with the parent each morning regarding the child’s previous night. I provide written information regarding feedings, diapering, sleeping and temperament on a daily basis.
●Talking with parents regularly regarding any changes in routines or behavior while in care, as well as while they are at home. If child becomes sick while in care or at home, I correspond with the family regularly until child returns to daycare.
●Talking with parents
about new experiences such as rolling over, pulling up, crawling, first steps, etc. I take pictures regularly to share with the parents.
I do this by
●Providing a written schedule of a regular day, as well as a daily information sheet regarding activities, books that were read, eating habits and behavior for the day.
●Sharing information and discussing, as well as coordinating, toilet training procedures. I provide written information on the number of attempts, successes, and child’s progress.
●Sending monthly newsletters with any schedule changes, plans for outings, etc.
I do this by
●Sending children home with completed art projects, finger painting, homemade cards, and any project the child has completed.
●Keeping parents informed of daily routine and opportunities that happen daily to encourage preschoolers with their self-help skills and regular household tasks.
●Touching base with parents by email weekly to discuss any changes in child’s behavior or any changes in the preschool schedule or activities.
For all age groups:
I work with the parents to schedule group parent meetings at least twice a year to discuss any policy changes and routine or schedule changes. During these meeting, we also update enrollment forms and yearly food program forms with any changes that may have occurred since the last meeting. We also discuss any future field trip plans, upcoming events and encourage parent involvement.
I also work with the parents to schedule individual parent conferences two to three times per year to discuss the children’s progress, any concerns and to address any questions each family might have.