As part of its stated mission and vision for the future, Central Michigan University (CMU) is committed to preparing the students and citizens of Michigan for leadership roles in an increasingly complex and challenging society. Of paramount importance, is the need for these emerging leaders to embrace integrity while serving their communities and their professions.
Recognizing the need to prepare the next generation of leaders for the State of Michigan, in 1997 CMU established the Central Michigan University Leadership Institute (Appendix A) to offer leadership development programs to university students, mid-level managers in the private, public, education and service sectors, and students enrolled in grades K through 12. Participants prepare for leadership positions and service on their campuses and in their professions and communities through a careful integration of educational options and experiential challenges.
The Leadership Institute, an office under the university’s Chief Student Affairs Officer, serves as a coordinating body for the university’s leadership-related activities and programs (Appendix B). It provides information, exploration of leadership theories / styles, and leadership development opportunities through workshops, seminar, academic courses, and experiential challenges.
Cognizant of the diversity and complexity of existing leadership development programs and the need to develop new opportunities to support one of the Leadership Institute’s goals, to develop a partnership with business, community agencies, education and government through leadership programs, a committee of faculty and administrators developed a model that provides the structure and direction for CMU’s leadership offerings.
The Leader Education and Development (LEAD) Program is the principal foundation for leadership development at CMU. This structured, four-year independent program enhances each student’s leadership knowledge