Leadership Potential Self-Assessment The Leadership Potential assessment (Lussier & Achua, 2010, p. 3) yielded a score of 31 where the range was from 0 to 35; 0 representing low leadership potential and 35 representing the highest leadership potential. In this assessment the higher the score, from a generic standpoint, the more potential for leadership exists. However, it does not assess your willingness to do what it takes to lead or desire to lead.
SWOT Analysis
Strengths. My high rating on question 1 of the assessment indicates that I am willing and interested in providing leadership to groups of people. Effective leaders influence followers and their followers influence them. The influencing process is between leaders and followers, not just the leader influencing followers; it’s a two way street. Question 2 indicates that I am also capable of being a good follower by providing input and being able to influence leadership. I am ready and willing to share my thoughts and ideas. The assessment showed that I posses the desire to influence others as a leader or a follower. As an account manager I have more power than others in my organization to influence some situations, this influence includes, power, politics and negotiating. Question 4 related to my ability and desire to share management responsibility as a leader. My ability to learn new things and enjoy change is shown in my response to question 6. I enjoy working with people and enjoy sharing management responsibility. Effective leaders need to be able to get along with people and want to see them succeed as well as being successful yourself.
Weakness. One area that could use improvement includes my interest in getting people to listen to my suggestions and implement them. Since I am in a position to dictate that my ideas get implemented I can sometimes want to skip the influencing step and dictate what will happen due to impatience. From a political
References: BSM Consulting, Inc. (2011). Portrait of an INTP . Retrieved from www.personalitypage.com/INTP.html Big Five Personality Factors. (2000). Retrieved from http-server.carleton.ca/BigFive.html Brisman, M. (n.d.). Leadership Personality: Do you have the Big Five Traits? Retrieved , from www.workingresources.com/nss-folder/pdffolder/leadershippersonality.pdf James, P. (2000). A description of the INTP Personality Type. Retrieved from www.intp.org/intprofile.html Leadership and organizational politics. (2011). Retrieved from www.alagse.com/leadership/13.php Lussier, R. N., & Achua, C. F. (2010). Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill Development (4th ed.). Mason, Ohio: South-Western. Paladin Associates, Inc. (2005). Portrait of an INTP. Retrieved from www.paladinexec.com Pervin, L., & John, O. (1999). Handbook of personality: theory and research. New York: Gilford. Ratzburg, W. H. (n.d.). Motivating Organizational Members. Retrieved from jam3c.tripod.com/id8.html