Competitiveness through Export Clusters: A Brazilian Experience
Consultant of SEBRAE – The Brazilian Service for Small and Micro Enterprise, Brazil, and Member of the Board of Directors of the Parana Network for APL Clusters Support (an official governmental and private permanent work group to build capacity and design policies to support the development of LPA Clusters in the State of Parana Brazil)
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--------------2005 Consultative Cycle Tirupur, India 11-13 April 2005
Summary 1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................3 Overall business environment for SME and clusters in Brazil .........................................................3 2. Small Business in Brazil .................................................................................................................4 a. Behind the clusters: SME business................................................................................................4 b. SME profile in Brazil ...................................................................................................................4 c. Current barriers to SME exports success........................................................................................4 d. The Brazilian Domestic Market....................................................................................................6 e. Dynamic versus under-performing SME........................................................................................6 f. SME role in exports in Brazil........................................................................................................6 3. Clusters: an
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