The Objectives of Logistics
Rapid response
F-flexibility objective of an organization: Some companies measure this as response time to customer’s order. On an average how much time do we need to fulfill one particular type of customer’s order in a year? This is a measure of rapid response.Logistics should ensure that the supplier is able to respond to the change in the demand very fast. Entire production should change from traditional push system to pull system to facilitate rapid response. Instead of stocking, the goods and supplying on demand, orders are executed on shipment to shipment basis information Technology plays an important role here as an enabler. IT helps management in producing and delivering goods when the consumer needs them. This results into reducing of inventory and exposes all operational deficiencies. Now the management resolves these deficiencies and slashes down costs. [Concept of SMED and KANBAN as practiced by JIT companies in Japan or elsewhere] Minimum variance
D-delivery objective of an organization, this can be measured as ‘On Time Delivery’ or OTD. If 100 deliveries are made in a month/quarter/year how many reached as per the commitment made to the customer? This percentage is OTD.Any event