2. Explain the difference between efficiency and effectiveness and their importance for organizational performance.
Answer T for True and F for False for the following questions.
3 Only the top managers in organizations need conceptual skills since it involves planning.
4. Human skills are the manager's ability to work with and through other people and to work effectively as a group member.
5 Technical skills are most important at lower organizational levels while human skills become more important as managers move up the organizational hierarchy.
6. Technical skills are utilized in the understanding and proficiency of general tasks.
7 Middle managers are responsible for setting organizational goals, defining strategies for achieving them, and making decisions that affect the entire organization.
8 Antonio is head of the advertising department at Terrific Tortillas, Inc. He can be described as a general manager.
9 As a manager, Juan is generally concerned with the near future and is expected to establish good relationships with peers around the organization, encourage teamwork, and resolve conflicts. Juan can be described as a middle manager.
10. The monitor role involves the initiation of change.
11. The manager performs ceremonial and symbolic duties in the figurehead role.
12. The disturbance handler role involves the initiation of change, thinking about the future and how to get there.
13. Nearly half of the respondents, according to the survey on trends and future development in small business, saw inadequate management skills as a threat to their companies, as compared to less than 25 percent in larger companies.
14 Managers in small companies often see their most important role as resource allocator.