A computer may be defined as an electronic device that has the capability of accepting and processing data under the control of a stored program and producing output in the form of information. This information may be in the form of sound, images, electronic signals, etc. and may be stored within the computer or on an external storage device. Computers are not very intelligent but they handle instructions flawlessly and fast. They must follow explicit directions from both the user and the computer programmer. Computers are really nothing more than a very powerful calculator with some great accessories. Applications like word processing and games are just very complex mathematical problems.
The computer is made up of two basic components; software and hardware. The software component consists of all the intangible parts of the computer, parts you cannot see or touch.
Whilst the hardware component consists of all parts that can be seen and touched. In other words the hardware sits on your desk and executes the software instructions (programs). Without the software the computer would be nothing more than a metal box.
The main hardware components that make the computer are:
System unit
There are also optional components that are used to enhance the performance of the computer but are however not necessary for basic computer use. These components are called peripherals and are usually attached to computers via interfaces. Among these, there are;
Multi-media speakers
Webcams etc.
Generally the hardware components (main and peripheral) that make up a computer are grouped into two basic categories based on the functions that they perform in relation to receiving and displaying data/information. Devices that aid in feeding data/information into the computer are called; input devices
Examples include; keyboard, mouse, scanners, webcams, etc.