Social Media
NF103: Computer Literacy
Nizar Dajani
August 12, 2013
Running Head: Media
Social Media
Social media plays a very important role in today 's society. If you ask yourself, "What is social media?", what do you think of? Social media can be used for communication between two people or a group of people. It can also be used to look up information. describes the term as, "a variety of web-based platforms, applications and technologies that enable people to socially interact with one another online." There are many ways to communicate using computers but it seems like people are spending more of their hours on social media websites such as Facebook and Twitter.
Facebook was created in 2004 by multiple students but the lead creator that we hear most about is Mark Zukerberg. It was first used by Harvard students to allow students to post pictures and share information with fellow students. It was not originally called Facebook. The first given name was "Facemash" and then called "the Facebook."(Laztko, L.) It was then given the name "Facebook" in 2005. Until 2006, Facebook was only open to students of colleges including Yale and Stanford. Today, there are 665 million active users. (Facebook)
Facebook has many features that appeals to the user. You sign into Facebook and the first thing you see is, "What is on your mind?" You no longer have to call all your friends and tell them you are having a bonfire and they are all invited. Just write in your status area that you are having that bonfire and everyone is invited. You can even "tag" your
Running Head: Media friends in your status so they get notified that there was something written to them. Tagging your friends is like linking the person to what you wrote or what picture you have posted of them. Facebook even allows you to search people, places or things. If you can not find what you are looking for in that
References: Latzko, L. (1999-2013) Facts On Facebook, Retrieved from ml?ref=Track2&utm_source=ask Facebook (2013) Quarter 1 Quarterly Earnings, PDF file from 50 Fun Facts of Twitter 10 Must-Know Advantages & Disadvantages of Social Media