Topic: Computer mediated communication in organizations
Assignment : Research Paper
emails would always stand second to personal interaction--- the “richest” communication medium
Ralph Waldo Emerson (2003) once said “Speech is power: speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel. It is to bring another out of his bad sense into your good sense”. Communication is the process by which information is passed from one person to another either verbally like tone, pause and pitch or non-verbally like writing, body language or pictures. Language for communication has no barrier if the expression of sensitivity in a man is predominant. Dr. Abraham Maslow classified the various human needs of which the social need expresses man’s desire to love, to be loved, belong, recognize and ‘communicate’ with other human beings (Wood et al., 2006). Communication is important for mankind. In an organization, managing the process involved in the creation of information, its’ exchange, followed by processing and recording comes under the vast empire of ‘Communication Management’.
In a modern world which has turned into a global village, interaction has become possible with one of the most commonly used modes of communication- the electronic mail (email) . It is truly amazing that every 0.00000035 seconds an email is sent to some remote corner of the world(Brownlow, 2001). Email is a form of non verbal electronic communication where the computer network plays a major role. It is not only a very fast mode of communication but also is inexpensive, secure and reliable and is an effective means of communication when the people interacting are physically separated. Organizations have all their employees on electronic mail systems which facilitates really high speed information exchange(Sproull and Kiesler, 1986) and automatic documentation(Alpay, 2005).
With all its’ advantages, receiving and sending emails are sadly cold and mechanical. There are
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