A literature review was an account of what had been published on a topic by
accredited scholars and researchers, a piece of discursive prose (Taylor, 2006) and explaining the intellectual progression of the field including major debates (Anson and
Schwegler, 2000). Literature review might present the historical perspective, initial development and the current situation, possibilities of new inventions, including problems and issues raised, arguments discussed, strengths and weaknesses, to enhance knowledge, sharpens understanding and broadens researchers‟ perspective on that topic.
This chapter consists of literature review related to digital library initiatives worldwide, at national, regional and international levels. Secondary data were searched from print and online resources. Literatures on Malaysian digital library initiatives were very limited, but foreign literatures were plenty and some of these had been highlighted for us to peruse and emulate. Several Malaysian digital library initiatives were also looked at and reported.
2.1.1 Purpose and Approach to Literature Review
The purpose of literature review was to establish the potential topics and suggest ideas for another research, reporting published materials on existing conceptual framework, theories, techniques, processes, styles and instruments of other researchers related to the topic under investigation. At the same time to identify why some of the
literature was noteworthy and which literature had made important theoretical contributions to the field being studied (Anderson and Kanuka, 2003). It helped align our scope of study and in determining the various variables to be included. As for this research, the main purpose of literature review was to grasp comprehensive ideas on the extent of digital library initiatives and projects that had taken place worldwide and the factors and conditions that had influenced
Bibliography: text manuscripts – 500 titles covering 1000 pages. According to Siti Mariani (2004), they faced two major problems in the digitization process papers and journals, including a virtual tour to Putra Mosque in Putrajaya and a 3D presentation of Al-Quran manuscript (Siti Mariani, 2004) At regional level, the National Library of Malaysia participated as a member of Asia Pacific InterCity Digital Library project (Tedd and Large, 2005), but again not much Qihao (2002)