Background of the Study Mindanao State University at Naawan Campus was founded as a field laboratory of the MSU College of Fisheries. In pursuant to Memorandum Order No. 3 and no. 45 and BOR resolution 92, series of 1988. MSU Naawan was formally organized as a distinct autonomous unit of the MSU System. MSU at Naawan for having students that has grown up to about a thousand students now, delivered a quality and excellent education to the people residing in the municipality of Naawan and also to the neighboring town. For many years since this University founded, this institution had already conducted many major university student council election of officers for the MSUN Supreme Student Council. It was so evident unfortunately that the turnover of these said elections had turned to be slow and tiresome. It was slow because of the following scenarios:
1.) The Election is done manually, so the canvassing is consuming a big amount of time, in fact in most of the elections the canvassing of votes took a long hours and more time consume.
2.) Miscount of votes that may cause for under vote or otherwise over vote.
3.) Mistally and misstated vote for a candidate.
It was hard and tiresome on the part of the election facilitators because it needs a lot of energy and time to overcome the complexity of the preparations and the holding of the election down to the canvassing of votes. So with these problems the call for a change is considered. Since this University adapted many new courses and one of these courses is Bachelor of Science in Information Technology. As a student in this course there is a call and a need for reformation and revitalization of the existing traditional and manual voting system. The implementation of the computerized voting system is the answer for this chaos.
This project was founded and created to replace the existing manual voting