This laboratory involved utilizing equipment to dilute a sugar water solution. It also created solutions containing varying levels of concentrations and densities. Equations were used to figure the molecular weight of the sugar, and the number of moles of sugar in the volumetric flask. There was also an equation to figure the Molarity, as well. As a result of the experiment, I now have a better understanding of the density of a concentration, and what Molarity is .
Data Table 8: Initial Concentration
Chemical Mass (g) Molecular Weight (g) Moles in Volumetric Flask Total Volume (L) Molarity (mol/L)
Sugar (C12H22O11) 8 331.23 0.02415 25 0.9961
*As a side note, upon researching the molecular weight of sugar, I found it to be 342.30 g, not 331.23 g, however, in my calculation I used 15.00 g as the molecular weight of O2, whereas online 16.00 g was used.
Eight8 g of sugar were placed on the scale, and then transferred into the volumetric flask (Table 8 shows the calculations of the molecular weight, moles, mass, volume and molarity recorded before doing so). Distilled water was added to the sugar until a total of 25mL were in the flask. Then the flask was capped, and the solution was mixed together until the sugar was dissolved. Once dissolved, the solution was transferred into the glass beaker, and certain aspects were measured and recorded in table 9. Once this step was complete, 2.5 mL were removed from the solution, and diluted in the volumetric flask. The steps were then repeated using different amounts of the diluted solution each time .
Data Table 9:Dilution Series
Dilution Volume (mL) Mass (g) Density (g/mL) Initial Concentration (M) Volume Transferred (mL) Final Concentration (M)
0 25 mL 27.4 1.096 0.9661 0 mL 0.9661
1 25 mL 24.6 0.984 0.9661 2.5 mL 0.09661
2 25 mL 24.6 0.984 0.09661 4.5 mL 0.01739
3 25 mL 24.4 0.976 0.01739 3 mL 0.00209
4 25 mL 24.6 0.984 0.00209 6 mL 0.0007
*Excel would not keep final 0’s at the