Jennifer Jackson, R.N., B.S.N.
Webster University
Walker & Avant’s methodology (2005) is used to analyze the concept of the word effective; this provides clarity to the meaning of the concept and identifies its unique attributes, particularly in relation to medical treatment. Antecedents and consequences of presumed effective medical treatment are discussed followed by empirical referents, which aid in illuminating the concept of effectiveness.
Assumedly, “effective” is an adjective most healthcare professionals and their patients would hope to use in describing the outcome of the treatment or the care provided. The purpose of this concept analysis is to understand that for physicians …show more content…
These attributes are key factors that must be present in defining the concept that is analyzed. Literature reviewed helped determine the characteristics attributed to the concept of effective in terms of nursing and medical treatment including, being free of disease or illness, decreased discomfort and suffering, scientific support, and improved quality of life. Another characteristic of effective nursing and medical treatment that should be considered is cost. Patients are sometimes informed about optional medical treatments that are available, but experimental and not yet approved by the FDA, nor covered by one’s medical insurance. There are many experimental treatments that have proven to be effective in curing illness but sadly, most cannot afford to pay for these treatments. This also applies if a person’s insurance does not cover a specific test, medicine, or treatment. A patient’s personal experience should also be taken into consideration; people with the same illness could receive the same therapy or treatment, but have different …show more content…
Patient outcomes are clinical endpoints, functional status, general well-being, and satisfaction with medical care” (Coyle & Battles, 1999. p. 5). Empirical referents can be described as actual phenomena that by their actual existence or presence demonstrated the occurrence of a concept, in which is proven useful in instrument development (Walker & Avant, 2005). It is important to note that empirical referents measure and relate to the defining attributes of effective, not just the concept itself (Walker & Avant, 2011). Since effective (medical treatment) is subjective as well as objective, it is essential to consider both phenomena that occur with this concept. Improved health status is the most significant phenomena associated with effective health treatment, both subjectively and objectively, relating to the attribute of being free from illness or injury and quality of life. The healthcare team objectively considers a patient’s treatment as effective if it has cured illness, resolved injury, or improved quality of life. Scientific research provide healthcare providers with support in determining what medical treatment has proven effective. For patients, aside from being free of illness or injury, quality of life is typically the most important. There are many different treatments that cure illnesses, but sometimes alter a person’s quality of life. A patient can be in remission from cancer by receiving