GCU: NRS-451V Nursing Leadership and Management
Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management Communication skills sometimes take a backseat to matters of finance and business they are in fact essential to producing desired business results—from achieving physician buy-in for technologies, to convincing staff to embrace change, to building community support for hospital initiatives. Today, more healthcare organizations are recognizing the importance of effective communication and are using innovative methods for improvement—such as "lock-ins," where leaders, managers, and staff employees, work together to plan budgets, and "jamming" or "workouts," which are large-group conversations that have been successful in industries outside of healthcare (Haeuser J, 2005). Continuous quality improvement and patient satisfaction is definitely an issue when it comes to nursing. In order to have good quality care and good patient satisfaction scores you have to address the other issues that nursing is facing, nursing shortage and having correct nurse to patient ratios. Without having these issues being address your patient satisfaction scores and quality care are not going to be up to proper standards. Patient satisfaction and quality care should be the top priority of every healthcare worker. Not only are you making the patient feel cared for properly, but you are making your specific unit and hospital look good and have a good reputation. Patient satisfaction is a measurement designed to obtain reports or ratings from patients about services received from an organization, hospital, physician or health care provider (Quality/Equality Glossary, 2013). Patient satisfaction is an issue that is being changed, monitored, and planned daily through management and leaders, as well as staff nurses. Patient satisfaction has become a center focus on nursing over the years. The way this accomplished is
References: (n.d.). Retrieved from Leadership vs. Managment: http://www.diffen.com/difference/Leadership_vs_Management Quality/Equality Glossary. (2013). Retrieved from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: http://www.rwjf.org/en/research-publications/find-rwjf-research/2013/04/quality-equality-glossary.html Haeuser J, P. P. (2005, January). COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES for Getting the Results You Want. Healthcare Executive, 16-20. doi:http://library.gcu.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=15458261&site=ehost-live&scope=site Otani, K. (March/April). Patient Satisfaction: "Focusing on Excellent". Journal Of Healthcare Management, 93-103. Retrieved June 30, 2013, from http://www.ache.org/pubs/jhm/54-2/Patient%20Satisfaction%20article.pdf