Goal setting theory has been a central concept in motivational theory over the past century that has been studied in great detail to show how goal setting can increase performance. It has been shown through numerous studied that setting specific difficult goals leads to higher performance results. Originally applied to individuals, goal setting has since proliferated to include the effects of group goal setting in organizations since the typical structure is changing to allow for group-based work to flourish within organizational settings. In addition to goal setting in groups, it significant to note the importance of a leader in directing a team and how leadership motivates members or group to attain higher performance levels. This paper looks at the construct of team sports and proposes that these types of teams excel because there is the emergence of multiple leaders and the role is shared within the group that should be applied in organizations. Research in this area is in its early stages, and this paper shows the positive influence of shared leadership in groups.
Goal setting theory was originally proposed to explain how to motivate individuals while working towards setting and achieving goals, however the basic premise also applies to groups goal setting and it’s relation to group performance. The most well-known and common type of team is found within the world of sports. Team sports have played a central role in organizational research and been studied in great depth for the past few decades in relation to the functionality of how a team, or group, operates and performs at continually high levels. This ability to perform at a high level while implementing goal setting practices to achieve higher performance results is what has captivated researchers’ attention. Team sports have a unique way of combining a group of individuals and bypassing typical group characteristics, and the many negative aspects of group work, such
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