Within philosophy, the idea that power results from physical and situational force is known as moral realism, of which Callicles is essentially the founder. Simplistically, as Callicles asserts within "Gorgias," the powerful, and subsequently just ruler, is one who exerts force to maintain influence. Thus, following this line of thought, might makes right. Throughout the dialogue, however, Socrates repeatedly argues that temperance overrides brute force. He suggests instead, that control over our desires, such as the desire to rule according to individual belief rather than the majority's benefit, is true power. He also makes it clear that power hungry, inconsiderate leaders have no true strength, because according to Socrates, a ruler who cannot control his own convictions has no control in any other aspects of life. However, despite the philosophical logic of these assertions, leaders even today unthinkingly rely on armies and weapons to enforce their personal (and not always authentic) views of justice.
Contemporary works of literature also greatly exemplify this, perhaps none better than One Flew