
Gorgias: Rhetorical Analysis

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Gorgias: Rhetorical Analysis
Power, Justice, and a Bunch of Dudes Arguing
Power and weakness, justice and injustice, good and bad. In a world where men seek power at any and all costs, it is important to stop and consider what truly makes one powerful. In Gorgias, translated by James H. Nichols Jr., Gorgias and Polus are trapped in an argument with Socrates about the power that rhetors possess. However, through the use of allegories to justice and suffering, Socrates asserts that it is not power that these such men possess, but, rather weakness.
If the greatest evil is “false opinion”, as Socrates asserts (458b), then using rhetoric to spread false opinions and untruths would surely be evil, as well. Furthermore, using the spread of false opinions to achieve power that
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On theme with this shift, the men are arguing about whether is it good for a man to be take what he wants regardless of whether it is just or not. Polus and Gorgias are, for all intense and purposes, on the same side of the arguments, and, as such, Polus often steps up to continue the arguing without Gorgias chiming in. Such is true for the sections 468e6-470c3 of Gorgias, which begins with Socrates and Polus locked in a heated discussion about whether or not one should envy the man who was doing whatever he pleases, whether it be killing or stealing or anything else. Polus asserts that he is enviable as he is getting whatever he wants, while Socrates argues that one should actually pity this man as he is “unenviable” and “wretched” (469a3-4). As per usual, Polus is flabbergasted with Socrates’ position and goes to question him further. Polus is confused how it would matter, in terms of the man’s power, whether the man is killing justly or unjustly as long as he is doing as he pleases. This is where Socrates states his main argument for the section; “doing injustice happens to be the greatest of evils” (469b7). Here is where there is yet another shift in dialogue. Polus, confused by Socrates’ bold claim, inquires whether suffering injustice would actually be a greater evil than committing it. To prove that committing an injustice such as ruling as a tyrant …show more content…
Gorgias had been arguing that rhetoric was almost synonymous with power, as a rhetor can convince anyone to do anything. This, to Gorgias and Polus, is true power and will lead to one’s happiness. However, from the measly two pages or so of argument, Socrates is able to prove sound doubt as to whether this is true or not. This is all to back up Socrates’ earlier claim that “both rhetors and tyrants have the smallest power in the cities” (466d4-5). By using the argument of justice, Socrates is able to prove that doing what is unjust is not good for anyone, especially the person committing the injustices. He will go on to continue backing this claim throughout much of the

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