The both countries were very poor and a lot of people living in poverty. In the Congo, many people died due to the war and HIV. The purpose of increasing condom use was to stop the spread of HIV. In fact, the demand of condoms is very low that the most of people in the Congo don’t use them much. The marketing of condom use in Congo was ineffective because of the way they …show more content…
In fact, women in Thailand practiced their family planning themselves that they supplied pills and condoms throughout the country, in every village of the country. They believed that supplying pills and condoms through the country could save their lives and future. At the most, the knowledge of condom effectiveness by education through the churches, schools, and community successfully increased the condom use, and therefore reduced the population growth rate and prevented HIV.
The marketing for increase condom use in Thailand was successful because they exactly knew their target population and understood their needs. Compare to the Thailand, the marketing for increase condom use in Congo was unable to deliver the message effectively because of lack of identify target audience and their needs. If the donor agencies in Congo could focus on couples, young women, and young men as target audience to increase condom use, they could gain successful outcomes by saving more lives and stopping the spread of