COPD is a growing concern worldwide and in the United Kingdom (UK) (Fletcher et al, 2010). COPD is a slow developing lung disease involving the airways, leading to gradual loss of lung function (NICE, 2010). COPD is the leading cause of mortality worldwide (Calverley and Walker, 2003) and projected to be the UK fifth leading cause of death and the second highest cause of emergency admission to hospital (Department of Health, 2005).
There are an estimated 4.8% of COPD cases in the UK, although only an estimated 1.5% of the population are correctly diagnosed (Stang et al, 2009). It’s estimated that 30,000 people a year die from COPD and 1.4% of the population consult their General Practitioner (GP) each year (Murray and Lopez, 2008).
Cost varies to treat COPD dependent on the severity of the disease; mild COPD costs £149 whereby treating severe COPD can cost up to ten times as much at £1037
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