Confidentiality at the workplace is very important. Virtually all workplaces have information that needs to be kept confidential due to the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act. As a co-op student, you need to be very careful not to share any confidential information with your friends or family.
The laws and regulations that support confidentiality come from our collective desire to protect the rights of the individual within our society. The desire to do what is right instead of what is wrong is an ideal that is embedded within our society's code of ethics. A code of ethics is what helps us to clearly distinguish right from wrong. An example is The Ontario Human Rights Code. Each workplace may also have its own code of ethics that its members are required to follow. In this way, the dignity of the work and the individuals within the workplace are protected.
Related Terms
Ethics defines behaviour as either right or wrong. They can apply to a person, a business, or a society. Your personal ethics are based on your beliefs, how you treat others, and your role in society. Often your ethics will dictate what type of behaviour causes you to feel guilty. In business, ethics are the code of behaviour that employers and employees must follow.
Codes of Ethics
A code of ethics is a set of expectations regarding one's behaviour. The Ontario Human Rights Code is a provincial law that was established in 1962 to ensure that all Canadians have equal rights. It helps prevent discrimination and harassment on the basis of things like gender, ethnicity or religious beliefs, to name a few.
Freedom of Information and Privacy Act
The Freedom of Information and Privacy Act is the law that supports confidentiality in the workplace. Develop a greater understanding of the importance of confidentiality in the workplace by reading information about the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act.
Responsible Use of Information Technology