|accept |to agree to receive or do |except |not including |
|adverse |unfavourable, harmful |averse |strongly disliking; opposed |
|advice |recommendations about what to |advise |to recommend something |
| |do | | |
|affect |to change or make a difference |effect |a result; to bring about a result |
| |to | | |
|aisle |a passage between rows of seats|isle |an island |
|all together |all in one place, all at once |altogether |completely; on the whole |
|along |moving or extending |a long |referring to something of great |
| |horizontally on | |length |
|aloud |out loud |allowed |permitted |
|altar |a sacred table in a church |alter |to change |
|amoral |not concerned with right or |immoral |not following accepted moral |
| |wrong | |standards |
|appraise |to assess |apprise |to inform someone |
|assent |agreement, approval