Coronary artery disease is one type of disorder that affects the heart. It is the most common heart disease. Coronary artery disease, or simply CAD, is caused by the build up of plaque in the arteries. When excessive amounts of plaque build up in your arteries, they become narrowed, consequently restricting blood flow to your heart and causing oxygen deprivation. Risk of blood clots and heart attacks is one affect of CAD. CAD is …show more content…
Congenital heart disease is when your heart has a problem when you are born. Congenital heart defects can range from having a small hole in your heart to something super severe. Although these can be very serious conditions, many can be treated with surgery. Doctors don’t always know why a baby has congenital heart defect. They tend to run in families. Problems with genes or chromosomes in the child, such as down syndrome; taking certain medications, or alcohol or drug abuse during pregnancy; or having a viral infection like rubella in the mother in the first trimester of pregnancy, are all things that can cause Congenital heart disease. Most congenital heart problems are structural issues like holes and leaky valves. Congenital heart defects include; heart valve defects; problems with the heart’s walls; issues with the heart’s muscle; and bad connections among blood vessels. …show more content…
You could maintain a super healthy lifestyle, and consequently still be putting yourself at risk for heart disease just by being stressed. Stress plays a key role in the promotion of heart disease. Even natural disasters such as earthquakes can create stress “ The Northridge earthquake that struck Los Angeles in 1994 was one of the strongest ever recorded in North America. There was a sharp increase in the number of deaths from cardiovascular disease immediately after this event, and the researchers postulated that emotional stress from the quake was the cause. Similar data was observed after a major earthquake in Japan.”(John M. Kennedy, 8) Situations such as earthquakes have proven to us just how intertwined stress and heart disease