Congestive Heart Failure Q: The credibility and reliability of peer reviewed research communications are seen as the “gold standard” within the basic and applied sciences. Why do you think the role of the editor/reviewer is so critical in ensuring such quality? A: It is supposed that peer reviewing guarantees the quality of the paper. Although the process of peer reviewing takes a lot of time, it provides opportunities for careful revision of the original writing. Even scientific works are checked by the editors/reviewers, in order not to overwhelm scholars with information. Scholars themselves are evaluated in the same way. Peer reviewing gives a chance to improve the quality of scientific writing. Q: Despite the speed, with which electronic manuscripts can be transported and edited with track changes, the peer review process continues to predominantly send copies of original manuscripts by postal mail and the reviewers still use copy editing marks. Why do you suppose this is so? A: Modern technologies provide a possibility to use different computer programs, in order to check the quality of what has been written. However, the peer review process remains very popular. That is why people resort to this service. Of course, computer programs are constantly updated. They rely on grammar structures and rules, different styles, set phrases and idioms and seem to know everything. Nevertheless, their corrections are not always appropriate. While computers check mistakes mechanically, the editor or reviewer will not only correct spelling or grammar mistakes but also make remarks regarding the content and information used in writing. Q: Discuss the use of an outline, addressing the following specifically: Why are outlines useful in producing a talk? A: An outline is a useful thing, if one wants to make the speech accurate, coherent and interesting. An outline will provide a plan for the speech and additional notes that