Mr. Bergmann
Sophomore Honors P6
28th September 2016
What if I were to tell you that your way of life is at stake? If I told you that your casual cruising around town or your habit of just tossing your drink in the trash without dumping it out was causing major harm to our earth, would you be concerned? Today, our carbon emissions are skyrocketing so alarmingly fast, the atmosphere has not been this warm in 66 million years. The excess carbon has caused a five degree fahrenheit increase in our planet's atmosphere over the past few years (NationalGeographic). Although that does not seem like too drastic of a change, that increase is triggering floods, insect plagues, and extinction in many species. Our wasteful attitude toward this planet has caused excessive stress on the oceans, poor waste management, and the ever-growing warmth of Earth's atmosphere. Although some argue that conservation is for the ‘treehuggers’, conservation of our home is vital for our existence. With all of us living the most inland possible in this country, we forget to worry about where a lot of our products and necessities we rely on come from. Eighty percent of the pollution in the ocean actually comes from our land, such as pesticides, …show more content…
Given that we rely on this planet for everything, it for the best that we put effort into preserving and helping to ensure its wellbeing. Due to such a use-once lifestyle we have adopted, we have caused crucial harm to our oceans, contaminated our landfills, and have basically put our atmosphere into a toaster oven cranked as high as it can go. We should all be a bit more concerned to what we are doing to our home each and every day. If we could all adopt recycling or even try something as small as carpooling to school, there just might be a chance to turn this horrid situation around for the