Ever since this country was established citizens have fought for a right that often is not exercised by today’s youth; along with many others. This right that I speak of is the right to vote. In the beginning one had to be a white male landowner in order to receive this right. However through the years and many trying battles all citizens of the US that are 18 years and older have earned this right. Voting is something that many of us take for granted and do not realize the great importance of this right and our duty to do so. Your votes do effect not only the national elections but every election you choose to cast a vote in; such as school elections, along with the people that represent us at the local and state levels. These representatives are the people making decisions that affect the community in which we live in; rather it is schools, roads or zoning ordinances. Other elections focus on the taxes we pay and how this tax revenue is being spent; whether it is for schools, or safety concerns, such as police and fire protection. Your vote also helps to decide issues concerning the quality of life in our communities, such as a new park or library and public transportation issues.
Body: I. The right to vote throughout the history of the United States has been an uphill battle for many of our forefathers, mostly because of one’s own social standings, being judged by others. A. Soon after the Revolutionary War, most states enacted provisions that all voters must meet certain requirements, in order to vote; thus denying all others of this privilege. i. One of the first requirements adopted was that voters must own land; it was considered that without land ownership or some other form of great economic status the person was not trustworthy enough to cast a vote. ii. According to US history .com” As property requirements for voting were abolished,
References: Cabrera K. 2010 So, why should we vote: Retrieved Oct.27, 2011 from http://www.panamericanonline.com/news/so-why-should-we-vote-1.2377381#.Tql-Xt7iGU9 Hardcastle M. (nd) The Top Five Reasons Youth Should Vote. Retrieved Oct.27, 2011 from http://teenadvice.about.com/od/teenlifefaqsandqas/a/youthvote2004a.htm Why Is It Important to Vote in America? By Erin Schreiner, July 19, 2011 Retrieved Oct.27, 2011 from http://www.ehow.com/info_8755765_important-vote-america.html?utm_source=rcp&utm_medium=test22