WAYS TO CONSERVE OIL AND GAS IN OUR DAILY LIFE: -The simplest way to conserve oil is to cut down the use of cars and bikes -Walk,run or use bicycle or electric bike to reach your distination. It not only conserve oil but also gives exercise as well. -Avoid the use of materials made of plastic as household items,since these are made of using crude oil. -use paper bags or cloth bags instead of plastic bags for shopping. -share the use of cars or bikes with your neighbours. -use conventional method of cooking in houses.
REASONS FOR CONSERVATION OF OIL AND GAS : -According to an estimate by 2015 we will require 80% of oil resources. So we have to conserve energy. -Oil and gas are non-renewable sources. When it run out it will become a great qquestion of survival. -We owe it to our cjhildren and grand children to use such a great resources responsibily. -Extracting oil and gas also cause considerable ecological damage.
BENEFITS OF OIL AND GAS CONSERVATION: - Once you conserve lthe own consumption of oil and gas your fuel bills are reduced. -Oil and gas conservation leads to reduced demand in turn tends to lower the -price of oil and gas and its products. -consrvation of oil and gas leads to decrease in pollution. -Conservattion of oil and gas reduces the flow of money to major exporters. -Conservation of oil an gas makes a reserve of such products to future generation.
It has become a strong and defenite opinion that we have to conserve the use of oil and gas for the survaival of of future generation. Either