What is a Constitution?
The Constitution of a club contains the fundamental principles which govern its operation and establishes the specific rules of guidance by which the group is to function. All, except the most informal groups, should have their basic structure and methods of operation in writing.
Why have a Constitution?
By definition a club is a "body of persons organised for some specific purpose, as a club, union or society." The process of writing a constitution will clarify your purpose, delineate your basic structure and provide the cornerstone for building an effective group. It will allow members and potential members to have a better understanding of what the club is all about and how it functions.
It will provide a structure to aid future leaders of your club to ensure that the group continues on a sound course. If you keep in mind the value of having a written document that clearly describes the framework of your club, the drafting of the constitution will be a much easier and a more rewarding experience. What should be covered by a Constitution?
The following pages are an outline of the standard information to be included in a Constitution.
Extra articles and sections are included to provide some examples of sound organisational practices.
However, remember the constitution is for your club. It is important to think through what is written so it reflects your club's purposes and needs as well as stays within the rules of the school. The prime objective is to draft a document that covers these topics in a clear and concise manner. If you have any questions you should consult your teachers.
Once your club has a constitution - what do you do with it?
Remember the reason for having a constitution is that it articulates the purpose of your club and spells out the procedure to be followed for its orderly function. Once your club develops this constitution, review it at least once every school