States the purpose of the Constitution
Article 1
Legislative Branch
Article 2
Executive Branch
Article 3
Judicial Branch
Article 4
Relations Among the States and With the National Government
Article 5
Amending the Constitution
Article 6
National Debts, Supremacy of National Law, and Oaths of Office
Article 7
Ratifying the Constitution
Amendments 1-10
Bill of Rights
Amendment 11
Lawsuits against the States
Amendment 12
Electoral College
Amendments 13-15
Civil War Amendments, Slavery, Minority Equal Rights
Amendment 16
Income Tax
Amendment 17
Election of Senators
Amendment 18
Amendment 19
Women Suffrage
Amendment 20
Congressional Presidential Terms, Issues of Presidential Qualification
Amendment 21
Repealing Prohibition
Amendment 22
Presidential Term Limits
Amendment 23
Electoral College Members for the District of Columbia
Amendment 24
Poll Taxes
Amendment 25
Presidential Succession and Disability, VP Vacancy
Amendment 26
Minimum Voting Age
Amendment 27
Congressional Pay
This means- New article
This means- New section
This means- New clause
means- to remember location and information
✪means- to remember information (location not required)
Article 1- Legislative Branch
A1S1- All legislative power will be vested in a Congress, which will consist of a Senate and the House of Representatives (creation of a bicameral legislature two houses with the power to make/public-policy)
A1S2- “House of Representatives”
A1S2C1- House members serve two year terms, and are selected through popular election, Any citizen that can vote for members of their states largest legislative body can also vote for their states members to the House of Representatives.
A1S2C2- House members must be at least 25 years old, a citizen of the US for at least seven years, and live in the state they represent.
A1S2C3- Representation in the house is based on population. Seats