Piaget defines Constructivism as generating from prior knowledge and meaning from a persons experiences and their ideas. When using constructivism the teacher will use questions that students will be forced to use prior experience and higher order thinking to answer the questions. Constructivism is used to build academics skills and relate content to personal experience.…
Teachers must have the mindset of wanting to teach so that their students to understand. Then they must use appropriate instructional techniques to make this goal a reality. It is said that errors in this way of teaching occur from a lack of an accurate understanding of this theory. There seems to be no official formula on how to be a constructivist teacher, which allows for educations use his or her own unique approaches to being an effective constructivist teacher. This type of teaching breaks away from the typical or the known practices like using pre-made lessons, readers, or cliché activities. A notable concern when attempting this method of teaching is the idea that there is no need for any structure in education because students need to figure everything out on their own and that there is “no [one] right answer.” Since constructivism can be found more clearly within specific content areas, it is wise to investigate the effectiveness and the realisticness through a given subject matter; this leads to asking the question: does teachers’ subject-matter knowledge play into the effective use of the constructivist theory? There is no known research that gives an answer to this question, only personal…
Gabler, I. Schroeder, M. (2003). Constructivist methods for the secondary classroom. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. p.222-236.…
The constructivist perspective upon learning, focuses on how knowledge is actively constructed by the learner. The knowledge the learner constructs, is based on their individual and shared mediated experience. Constructivists argue there is no other reality other than what the student creates. Constructivist learning also inter links with cognitivism, as the constructivist learning can be described as an adaption which can occur via cognitive processes. Experience of the real world is a key concept of this learning perspective.…
In a constructivist’s classroom there is much less control of the teacher in this setting, the…
|Constructivist |and cultural belief can influence the |along with the teacher a book. |responding or actively participating in class |…
Constructivism teaching models are more about what children can do and how they can use new information rather than simple learning about something. The teacher’s role is less of the sole authority of the topic and takes on a role as a guide in the education process. Tetzlaff, author of Constructivist Learning Versus Explicit Teaching, really explained what this could look like in the classroom. She stated that the instructor guides the learning though questions and discussion not lectures (Tetzlaff, 2009). In reading concepts such as phonics, vocabulary or comprehension is not taught through a lecture but rather introduced by the teacher. The teacher would jump-start the activity giving the students a basis to begin and then setback and assist in the learning process. Interactive actives, games and lesson are used to teach a topic. The instructor can then dig deeper into the knowledge that the students are gaining through questions and additional guidance. Additionally “various types of materials are used, all chosen with an attempt to use items that are concrete, colorful,…
Stallones, J. (2011). Philosophy of education. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Retrieved from on November 12, 2012.…
People construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences (Jones & Brader-Araje, 2002). When we encounter something new, such as knowledge or a text, we have to interpret with it. Generally, we interpret that new information using our previous knowledge and experience. Learning is an active process. The more active we can be, the more hands on and tangible the information, the more we learn (Winn, 2004). Instruction that centers on the Constructivist approach involves providing experiences for the learner. Learners must be given the freedom to construct meaning at their own pace through personal experience. Learning…
Using the Piagetian perspective, constructivism is applied (Ensar, 2014). Educational constructivism begins with the work of Giambattista Vico (Ensar, 2014). Ensar defines constructivism in four principles (2014). These principles are “prior knowledge,” accommodation and assimilation, learning has an organic invention, and “meaningful learning occurs through reflection and resolution of cognitive conflict…” (Ensar, 2014, p. 35). Vico’s belief in De Antiquissima Italorum Sapientia study, stated that “knowledge is something that is constructed by the learner” (Ensar, 2014, p. 34). Philosopher Rousseau also believed that “children absorb knowledge through their own sensory experience and learning only occurs by doing” (Ensar, 2014, p. 34). When I began teaching almost a decade ago, Rousseau’s belief resonated with my initial teaching…
In the constructivist classroom, the student constructs new knowledge through a process of analyzing new…
The constructivist –type programs believes that learners should learn math based on their own experiences. The constructivist support learning to be done with others or in groups to gain knowledge. It supports that teachers should be a facilitator and not a lecturer, like the old way of teaching. The constructivist approach of teaching will direct students in the right direction to access the resources to help gain an understanding of what they are learning. Learning is an active agent in their own learning process. The constructivist type programs have set standards that will increase student curiosity through inquiry-based approach to instruction (Fuller, 2001).…
The constructivism philosophy seems to be the core of Mr. Beadle’s teaching. The students are as much in control of their education as he is, meaning that he may present the lesson and its objectives, but in the end the students direct their learning by asking questions, discovering new information and applying it to the lessons, challenging each other, and sharing their views and beliefs of the subject. His classroom set-up is flexible and changes as necessary for each lesson that he gives. The students are motivated by the satisfaction of learning and being able to apply the material they learn to their lives as Mr. Beadle always makes it pertain to their lives in some way to ensure that they understand and can retain the information. He…
Provides an analysis of research of constructivist approaches and direct instruction, concluding “last 3 lines of abstract”…
Iran-Nejad, A. (1995). Constructivism as substitute for memorization in learning: Meaning is created by learner. Education, 116(1), 16. Retrieved from website: <,ip,cpid&custid=cincy&db=f5h&AN=9511290900&site=ehost-live>…