The aboriginal play “seven stages of grieving” written by Wesley Enoch and performed by Deborah Mailman portrays the life of an indigenous woman, through culture, grieving and loss. One way the play makes connections to people and places is through language features and forms. In the episode “Murri gets a dress”, The tone of the everywoman represents her attitude and understanding of the Australian society. “You get a lot of attention, special treatment when you’re black”, the quote illustrates her satire humour approach. The tone demonstrates irony and sarcasm which exposes the discrimination and institutional racism towards Aboriginals.…
How are the dramatic forms and theatrical techniques of the plays you have studied used to portray the struggles of the characters?…
James, J.W., Friedman, R. & Matthews, L.L. (2001). When children grieve: for adults to help…
The Seven Stages of Grieving co-written by Wesley Enoch and Deborah Mailman is an emotionally powerful play about the grief of Indigenous people and the hope of reconciliation. It is presented a series of theatrical episodes that follow the journey of an Aboriginal woman. The contemporary play shares true and personal stories and focuses on the issues that separate and unite Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. This play uses many techniques and conventions to convey the problems raised, and I believe every group performance used these techniques to their advantage to create an inspiring and reflective piece.…
Almost everyone has experienced bereavement of some form. Usually, this occurs after a person reaches adulthood and has emotionally matured and developed, but sometimes it unfortunately occurs to minors --those under 18 years of age. When this terrible event happens to minors, they often are grief stricken from the loss and do not have access to therapy or support sessions to help them through this difficult part of life. The traumatic experience of bereavement causes anger and sadness, which creates a situation in which there is an urgent need for support for families. Models must be created and refined to assist in dealing with childhood traumatic grief (Cohen, Goodman, Brown, & Mannarino, 2004). These minors also do not know where to start searching for the emotional support that they need so they are left to deal with the emotional burden on their own. “Children’s experience with the death of a loved one—whether a relative, friend, or a family pet—is a significant, often painful experience that requires adult support to care and guide a child’s coping and make sense of the event” (Farber & Sabatino, 2007). The long term effect of this loss on minors is very…
Cox, S. (2004). Pediatric bereavement: Supporting the family and each other. Journal of Trauma Nursing, 11(3), 1-6. Retrieved from…
Discuss the psychological and physical effects of loss and grief: How might an ethical therapist incorporate this knowledge into his/her work? Base your answer of the theories and models presented in Module 7.…
Grief is shown differently depending on the person. Some are verbal with their grief; others may show it through actions, and some may show it through emotions. People grieve in their own way and when they are ready: it is an very personal process. Grief is a natural process of living, and mourning that is an important part of the healing process. Grief cannot be rushed because it takes time and everyone experiences it differently. Not everyone will go through the stages in the same order (Axelrod, 2006). Society makes a difference by their reaction to grief. “We are a grief and death denying society” (Athan, 2011). Unresolved grief can be damaging, as well as it can lead to multiple problems like addiction, anxiety, depression, or even…
Grief is a common response to unfortunate life situations. It usually accompanies loss, either of a loved one or a pleasant life situation. There are all kinds of emotions that accompany grief, such as sadness and anger.…
The group being established is based on bereavement. The focus of the group being formed is to help individuals who are suffering with grief and loss. The group was formed to provide support and process for the suffering individuals. The group is formed with normal functioning individuals who are only suffering from loss and suffering. To help these individuals with their bereavement issues, interventions and goals were made to help support, manage and process grief and morning. The group will bring perspective and awareness into the group members lives. Evaluations will be determined by the group leader with the process of evaluations they have chosen to use. Ethics and cultural issues have been taken into consideration when forming the group.…
Stokes, J., Pennington, J., Monroe, B., Papadatou, D. & Relf, M. 1999, "Developing services for bereaved children: A discussion of the theoretical and practical issues involved", Mortality, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 291-307.…
The Bereavement and Support of a Significant Other Taking into consideration his Native American heritage, death is viewed as a circular way of life. In grieving practices, they do not feel that death is something to be feared or mourned because it is a natural part of life that they accept. Further, they believe that talking about death and dying may cause it to happen, limiting his openness of expression and willingness to discuss the death of his spouse (Corr, Corr, & Nabe 2008). This may also have an impact on the way he publicly grieves; he may maintain a stoic and unemotional stature. This reflects the values of self-reliance, independence and keeping to oneself that are also prevalent in the Native American community; they do not want to impose opinions and feelings on others but would rather maintain those internally. This type of grieving can be compared to the American social norm of masculinity and what is perceived as acceptable forms of grieving. Instrumental grieving is more associated with masculinity in American culture, where grieving is carried out through problem solving and physical tasks versus intuitive grieving, where emotion is the main focus (Corr et al 2008). Even though society has changed, the 81-year-old spouse still believes in practicing his Native American customs and traditions, and in fact has passed them on to his daughters and their children. According to his ethnicity, the loss of his wife is seen as a natural event and that life itself is not linear, but circular and interwoven. The spouse’s grieving process consists of a communication restraint, making it difficult for him to discuss the loss of his wife with others. These beliefs and traditions of the Native American ethnicity make it extremely important to understand the needs and wants of the griever so that proper measures can be taken. As bereavement counselors from a local Hospice, it is our duty to ensure the well-being of the 81-year-old spouse. Our group has…
To undertake this assessment I have looked up the meaning of the words Loss and Grief to help me to begin to understand the process. Loss is defined as being the condition of being deprived or bereaved of something or someone(1) and grief is being defined as a deep mental anguish, as arising from bereavement(2). Grief is a natural response to loss and is a process that occurs over time. It involves a range of feelings, thoughts and behaviours. The most common loss associated with grief is the death of a loved one. Some situations may involve multiple losses like someone with a terminal illness such as cancer. They can mourn and grieve over the loss of a breast, loss of fertility, loss…
Smith, M., & Segal, J. (2012) . Coping with grief and loss. Understanding the grieving…
Losing a loved one is like having a rug swept from under you. We make plans for the day, and do not think twice about how those plans can be taken away in the blink of an eye. I never thought much about it myself, until I was faced with the shocking, and undeniable truth of my mother’s death. The title of the article I selected was the Effects of a Parent’s Death on Adult Children: Relationship Salience and Reaction of Loss. The author is Debra Umberson, it was published Feb. 1994 by the American Sociological Association. The significance of this article is to evaluate the impact of a parent’s death on adult children’s physical and psychological functioning. The reason I selected this article is because it is basically explaining how adults or children deals with the loss of their parent’s death.…