1.1 Origin of the Report
This report is prepared with the respect to course of Consumer Behavior. We are assigned to prepare a term paper by our honorable course instructor Mr. Farhan Faruqui. Our task is to make a survey on Micromax mobile and complete a study that covers all important factors of consumer behavior.
1.2 Objective of Study * To apply our knowledge that we have gathered from Consumer behavior course into the report * To provide the overview of Micromax mobile * To measure the business value of Micromax mobile * To give possible recommendation for Micromax mobile
1.3 Scope of the report This report is created on the basis of what people think about Micromax mobile. For this we conducted a comprehensive survey on Micromax mobile consumer’s belief, perception and what thought consumers have about Micromax mobile.
1.4 Methodology Sources of Data
Hereby both primary and secondary data has been used to prepare the report.
Primary data: Primary data are collected via survey on individuals using structured questionnaire.
Secondary data: Secondary data comes from the journals, newspaper articles and internet.
1.5 Limitation and Delimitation * To learn the total information we needed to go all around the world. But for time & fund limit we could not meet people all around the world but we have collected data from people of all characteristics
2.0 Company Information
2.1 Introduction
Today, Micromax s one of the leading Indian Telecom Companies with 23 domestic offices across the country and international offices in Hong Kong, USA, Dubai and now in Nepal. With a futuristic vision and an exhaustive R&D at its helm, Micromax has successfully generated innovative technologies that have revolutionized the telecom consumer space.
Micromax is on a mission to successfully overcome the technological barriers and constantly engender “life enhancing solutions”.
The company’s vision is to develop