Product Category: Mundane product costing less than Rs 100/-
Product chosen by Consumer: Milk Packets (500ml)
Conumer Name and Occupation: Mr. Varun Singh, Business strategist for a MNC
Consumer age: 27 years
The survey was conducted at Infinity Mall, Andheri with Mr. Varun Singh who works at a MNC as Business Strategist. The product chosen by Varun was 500 ml plastic milk packets as it is an important part of his daily life and routine.
Consumption Experience
Varun consumes two milk packets every day one in the morning and another in the evening before he leaves for gym. It is delivered by a shopkeeper directly to his flat and he does not pay anything extra for this service. Also he makes monthly advance payments to the shopkeeper.
He believes that drinking milk is necessary to maintain his health as it contains basic nutrients and has now become a crucial part of his daily routine. He generally consumes milk with cornflakes or oats.
Relationship with product
He has been consuming packaged milk since he left his hometown Gwalior before which his family used to purchase milk which came directly from the dairy farms to his home.
The product has not changed since he started consuming it, all aspects like packaging, quality etc. have been the same. Only there have been continual increase in prices due to inflation.
Things which have gone wrong in the relationship
Varun is dependent on this product and also loves it.There have been no issues or difficulties in availing this product but sometimes the service provided by the shopkeeper have not been up to the mark.There have been cases where the milk packets were stolen from outside his flat and also sometimes the shopkeeper does not deliver it on time.
Positive/Negetive Surprises
There haven’t been any case of exceptional service or surprise but a couple of times he was provided with milk packets after